Why Those Panic Attacks Are So Hard To Get Rid Of

 Why Those Panic Attacks Are So Hard To Get Rid Of By Licensed Psychologist Dr Randy Cale


Why those panic attacks are so hard to get rid of. Well, if you've had panic attacks, you know it's terrifying. That heart's racing, you're sweating. You can feel your pulse, your thoughts are running crazy. You think you might be dying. Many of you may have been to the emergency room to just make sure everything's okay, which is wise, very wise. But panic attacks are so difficult to manage because there is such a rapid increase due to adrenaline.

of adrenaline into the system because the body's been signaled to do so. And once that adrenaline there is there in the system, it's affecting the body in so many ways that it's hard to cognitively sort of rationally override that. And if any of you have had that experience, you know that to be true. But also what's happening is that there's dysregulation in the brain, particularly the left frontal region of the brain. And that's where neurofeedback is remarkably helpful. If you want more information, give us a call.


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