
how best to successfully equip our children to navigate Adversity

  In this persistently challenging world, don't you wonder how best to successfully equip our children to navigate these rough waters of life?   Indeed, no simple answer will come close here.  Yet, it seems that we find ourselves daily lamenting about these tougher times. And yes, no doubt, it has been and will continue to be challenging times. Given that fact, what is the best approach for helping our children get through the challenges ahead? Maybe We Grew Up Hard? Plenty of us have weathered the storm of difficult upbringings. It might have been due to a volatile parent, a bitter divorce, or substance abuse within the family. In some cases, we may have had an excessively reactive parent or a tense, angry relationship between our parents. For others, you may not relate to those struggles because childhood life was generally enjoyable, and parents remained calm while rules were predictable.    But regardless of your home life, we all know that challenges and struggles await both a

Update on The One Percent Solution

  A few years back, I traveled to Chicago and had an interesting conversation with my new friend for three hours. He was 68 and off to windsurf in Hawaii for two weeks. As I asked him about his greatest insight into life, he offered the following comment. "Nothing replaces sustained, incremental efforts compounded over time." When interviewing successful athletes, lawyers, entrepreneurs, artists, and parents, I find that his insight remains one of the great truths in life. And yet, only a few take advantage of such a simple solution to life's sweet rewards. More recently, we have considerable data to support the power of the one percent solution to change fundamental patterns in the brain. With incremental efforts over time, we can relieve anxiety, depression, ADD, sleep issues, and more. Let's consider why the one percent solution is so powerful.   The Temptation of the 100 Percent Solution Life will give us challenges. This is inevitable. Many wait until the challen

The Dangers of Unlimited Phone Use

  In today's digital era, teenagers are practically married to their phones.  As parents look on, perhaps with a sigh of relief that their teenager is quiet and preoccupied, there is an underlying problem.  Some of us have acknowledged this problem, but not many.   This article is an effort to reduce complacency and encourage action.   The Link Between Phone Use and Mental Health Issues Few seriously consider the role of electronics in the dramatic rise in mental health issues among teens.  Even though we often find children/teens isolated with social media, playing games, or surfing, we do not seem to have a heightened concern for such activities.  We do not see joy, happiness, and increasing motivation to thrive when we observe our children during these times!  Instead, we often see, and children report the opposite:  frustration, embarrassment, anxiety, sadness… to name a few.     Mounting evidence suggests a direct correlation between prolonged phone usage and many mental healt

The Power of Automaticity: Maximizing Your Child’s Amazing, Automatic Brain

  Our brains are designed to learn.  As your child is growing up, they are exposed to a vast quantity of information.  Most of it they master, with an easeful, automatic process. When you start teaching your child how to speak, write or read, you notice that you don’t really ‘make’ the learning happen.  It simply happens automatically, when you expose them to the opportunities to learn. And once children learn how to say “Mommy”, they no longer have to think about how to pronounce the word or where the word comes from.  When they think Mommy they say “Mommy.”   And while neurologists tell us that this process takes hundreds of millions of brain cells, we just take most of it for granted.  My point here is that… Children learn almost everything they need to know experientially and automatically, if they are given opportunities to learn. Why is that so important?  Because the automatic parts of our brain serve to give us a huge advantage over all our competitive species here on the plane

Why do your kids keep asking the same questions... over and over?

  It seems unbelievable. Some children constantly ask the same questions repeatedly, day in and day out. Trying to be patient, you answer. Then, you answer again. And then again. It can be annoying, irritating, and downright frustrating! So perhaps you come down firmly, and what happens? Then, your cunning son or daughter adjusts the question slightly and asks the same thing again. You then answer again. Then tomorrow, you got through this again. And again. And again. What’s the deal? They don’t do this at school. They don’t do this with their coach. They don’t even do this with the neighbor. Sometimes they question ridiculous things you are confident they know the answer to. And other times, they relentlessly keep negotiating over limits. Why do they ask for more when you have said no a hundred times? Why do they keep whining when you ask them to stop? Why don’t they get it? One answer could be that you relent and give in to them. This isn’t good; you don’t need me to emphasize that.

Control or Dictate: You Choose.

  I think it’s fair to say that many of us have had experiences working with others where leadership skills were lacking. Perhaps you’ve had a manager, coach, or friend handle you like you were a ‘subject’ to be told what to do. Or perhaps worse yet, you had a parent who incessantly tried to control everything you did, reminding you of everything you should or should not be doing. I’m curious: how did those experiences make you feel?  Now, consider what your children hear from you each day. Are you trying to control them with your words? If so, such strategies often end up with harsh psychological consequences. Let’s consider your options.  Leadership Qualities Good leaders display several qualities that separate them from poor leaders. First, they lead by example and walk their talk. They carefully consider how to teach, how to guide, and what systematic ways they can lead others responsibly. They don’t yell at others and expect them to remain calm. They don’t preach one message yet d

What We Are Focusing On Needs Attention!

  Most of us go through our daily lives not recognizing the power of focus.  If we're listening to the news, and something catches us, we focus on it.  If we're standing in line and there's a grumpy patron in front of us, we tend to focus on them.  If traffic is bad going to work, this tends to hold our focus for the entire commute.   We focus there if Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok catches our eye.  If our boss is in a bad mood, we complain to our co-workers and keep focusing on it.  If our children are upset, we often focus on their upsets.  When our children complain in the face of a blessed world full of fantastic opportunities, we focus on it.  We engage what they have chosen to focus on because we don't realize we are teaching them to filter their lives.  If chronic, this becomes the habitual filter through which they interpret the world.   Our children will, without intervention, be vastly compromised in managing their attention unless we begin to make changes.  Th