Why Neurofeedback Is Effective with So Many Psychological Disorders!
Clients often wonder how Neurofeedback works and why it works with various disorders.
Whether anxiety, sleep disorders, OCD, depression, ADD/ADHD, foggy brain or even peak performance issues, Neurofeedback has proven validity. In this video, Dr. Randy Cale offers an easy-to-follow explanation of why Neurofeedback works with many psychological disorders. Learn more at CapitalDistrictNeurofeedback.com.
Why neurofeedback works so well with anxiety disorders, panic, OCD? I'm Dr. Randy Cale with Capital District Neurofeedback. We often see clients who've tried medications, they've been in therapy, they've tried all sorts of things out of the box, in the box, and nothing seems to work. And so they come to us looking for a solution. When we conduct an evaluation of their brain using something called acute EEG or
quantitative EEG. We get to see what their brain looks like. And there are one of two consistent patterns that we see. Both involve dysregulation that is correctable with neurofeedback. But we can also see when they're on medication, not on medication, that medication does not do the job of correcting those dysregulated brain waves. So neurofeedback is this amazing technology.
that through a biofeedback mechanism, giving you real -time feedback of the movement of brain waves, this technology allows the consumer, the user, the client to be able to learn over time how to regulate their brain waves better. When that happens, the brain has to reorganize resources, changes the way it communicates, and as it normalizes, as that brain wave pattern normalizes, behavior normalizes.
AED, distractibility comes down, anxiety reduces, OCD reduces. We sleep better, we treat people better, we have more mental space around our thoughts. We just feel better. And when we feel better, we act better, we function better, we perform better, everything's better when we feel better. So, I invite you if you've tried other therapies or even if you haven't and you're just interested in a tool.
to help you or someone in your family get back on track for better life. Neurofeedback may be a way to do that. I'm happy to give you a half hour of free time just to talk about your questions.
Capital District Neurofeedback Therapy
634 Plank Rd 101
Clifton Park, NY 12065
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