
Showing posts from July, 2024

Can Neurofeedback Improve Mental Performance?

  Whether for sport, music, or something else, does your child want to enhance their abilities but find that their mind is getting in the way? If you want your child to perform better, read on to find out how a few revolutionary technologies can help. First: • Heart rate variability training: You may have seen heart rate variability training showing up everywhere these days. A lot of people are talking about it. However, it is important to understand that there’s a nuance to this form of training that involves more than just watching a YouTube video of a screen going up and down while you breathe with it. But can many people improve their heart rate variability this way? Probably, but I have also found that many people do not, despite months of using heart rate variability breathing. For this reason, it is better to use biofeedback equipment to measure heart rate variability and ensure that you’re making progress. The literature on this topic is remarkable. With sustained practice usin

Why Is Neurofeedback So Effective?

  This is a question that often comes from parents or individuals who have done their research and see that neurofeedback is now rated as a level four or five intervention for many mental health disorders, including ADD, anxiety, OCD, and depression. Level five is as high as it gets with mental health interventions. Many therapies and medications are level two or three, so neurofeedback is garnering attention despite not being a quick fix like them. Neurofeedback’s effectiveness has been proven, which is interesting because it does not force the brain to do anything. We are not feeding it some drug or electrical impulse; all we do is allow the brain to do its natural thing. Imagine we have a very strong brainwave, like a theta wave, and we want it to come down because it’s associated with more ease, happiness, and enjoyment and fewer ADD, anxiety, and focus problems. With neurofeedback, we reward that brainwave when it naturally comes down ju

Why Choose Neurofeedback To Get Better?

Why would you choose neurofeedback among the other options for getting help for your child or help for yourself? This answer falls into several categories: First of all, other than neurofeedback, very few treatments come without side effects. So if you or your child have been on medications and you hate their side effects, which tend to get worse over time, then neurofeedback is a treatment to consider. Secondly, very few treatments are rated as level four or five-level interventions. Level five is the highest level of treatment available in the world of mental health. For anxiety, depression, and ADD, for example, neurofeedback, as a level four or five treatment, is among the best treatment options. Thirdly, almost every treatment, therapy, or medication goes down in terms of effectiveness over time, but not neurofeedback. Neurofeedback is an incremental and gradual change; it’s not an instant quick fix, like taking a pill. This change that occurs over time represents a change in the

What Conditions Have Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback?

  This is a great question that comes up often. Generally speaking, neurofeedback is a way to fundamentally change the brain’s structure, biochemistry, organization, and communication pathways. Any conditions caused by struggles in the brain could be altered through this technology. The range of conditions that can be dramatically improved by neurofeedback spans ADD, ADHD, anxiety, panic disorders, OCD, depression, sleep disorders, migraines, and even seizures. In more recent years, neurofeedback has also been proven to help with Alzheimer’s disease. Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback So, as you begin to think about whether your or your child’s situation can be improved with neurofeedback, the chances are that it can. While nothing is effective 100% of the time, in our clinic, we often see a remarkable change, provided that parents and clients are willing to have a conversation about what it takes to become more forward-focused in how they organize their homes, lives, and parenti

What Conditions Have Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback?

  This is a great question that comes up often. Generally speaking, neurofeedback is a way to fundamentally change the brain’s structure, biochemistry, organization, and communication pathways. Any conditions caused by struggles in the brain could be altered through this technology. The range of conditions that can be dramatically improved by neurofeedback spans ADD, ADHD, anxiety, panic disorders, OCD, depression, sleep disorders, migraines, and even seizures. In more recent years, neurofeedback has also been proven to help with Alzheimer’s disease. Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback So, as you begin to think about whether your or your child’s situation can be improved with neurofeedback, the chances are that it can. While nothing is effective 100% of the time, in our clinic, we often see a remarkable change, provided that parents and clients are willing to have a conversation about what it takes to become more forward-focused in how they organize their homes, lives, and parenti

Dr. Randy Cale Explains: How Does Neurofeedback work?

  Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback in which a reward signal is provided to the brain. This signal, over time, causes the brain (in most cases) to incrementally and gradually reorganize brainwaves into a healthier and more functional brainwave pattern. How does that work? What we believe is that brains tend to like novelty. So when the brain realizes that it gets a reward tone every time there is a movement in a healthier direction, it tends to absorb that reward tone and start moving in that direction. This process, also called operant conditioning, is a slow, gradual process that happens over time, and every brain varies in its response to some degree.

How To Stop Anxiety

  How to stop anxiety. Anxiety comes to own our life because there’s a thought that we keep giving attention to and as we give attention to that thought, it expands. This is sort of the law of the universe. What we focus on expands. So with anxiety, it starts with some fear that we have not resolved. It’s a fear we haven’t settled, but we keep thinking the same thought over and over again. For most people, it will come in with fear to our clinic. They’ve been down this path thousands and thousands of times with no resolution. So one way to begin to think about this is that if we can teach your brain how to be disinterested in a fearful thought, you can go on to enjoying your life. We’ve got to disrupt that habitual pattern that promotes the anxiety. And that’s what neurofeedback does. It’s able to break up that pattern that we see in your brain, send a signal to move toward health, toward ease. And over time, the brain learns its patterns. What Conditions Are Responsive To Neurofeedbac

Why Do Pets Help Us Feel Better?

  Why do pets make us feel so good? For those of you who enjoy pets, you probably noticed that you could be in a snarly mood or on a phone call or things are going tough and then your cat or dog comes nearby and you start to give attention to them and what happens? Pretty quickly, you feel better. Well, there are two factors at play there. First of all, life is ruled by what gets attention, period, end of story. And sustained attention in a lousy area will make us feel lousy and sustained attention in something positive brings more positive feelings. So if we’re hooked on something that’s not too serious, right, and our animal comes along, our cat or dog, and we start to give it attention, A, it pulls our attention away from the unwanted, the thing that’s making us feel lousy. Secondly, we have a history of feeling good with a pet. So our state increases pretty quickly. So my encouragement, when you feel lousy, Always reach out and pet your animal. You’ll feel better! Capital District

How Does Neurofeedback Help Those With Deep Depression Or Serious Depression?

  How does neurofeedback help those with deep depression or serious depression? Well, if you don’t know  what neurofeedback is , it’s a form of biofeedback where we measure brain waves and we provide a reward when the brain presents a healthier form of brain waves. Now you can see in the background someone training and when that area that you see here gets all green, that client will be rewarded. when the reward comes in the form of a brighter screen or a tone. And you might go, well, what does that do? Well, interestingly, brains, three years old, 93, chimpanzee, dog brains, they all respond to that reward tone and begin to move incrementally, very tiny amounts, in a healthier direction over time. And this is very important because it means, regardless of how long the pattern’s been going on, how stuck, Brains can learn to get healthier and they can learn to get better if you accept that it’s incremental change over time. Learn more about our approach to mental health treatment at  ht