Update on The One Percent Solution

A few years back, I traveled to Chicago and had an interesting conversation with my new friend for three hours. He was 68 and off to windsurf in Hawaii for two weeks. As I asked him about his greatest insight into life, he offered the following comment. "Nothing replaces sustained, incremental efforts compounded over time." When interviewing successful athletes, lawyers, entrepreneurs, artists, and parents, I find that his insight remains one of the great truths in life. And yet, only a few take advantage of such a simple solution to life's sweet rewards. More recently, we have considerable data to support the power of the one percent solution to change fundamental patterns in the brain. With incremental efforts over time, we can relieve anxiety, depression, ADD, sleep issues, and more. Let's consider why the one percent solution is so powerful. The Temptation of the 100 Percent Solution Life will give us challenges. This is inevitable. Many wait until the challen...