
Showing posts from December, 2022

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house Barely a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Mom and Dad sat on the sofa with relative ease As all the presents were finally under the tree. Both checking their phones to see if they missed Any surprises mentioned on Santa’s big list. The tree overflowing showing abundance everywhere with credit maxed out to ensure all the ‘extras’ were there! When finally convinced, nothing else to be done Each sighed sarcastically, ‘Oh, wasn’t this fun!’ ‘What’s Christmas about… Is it just seeking relief? It seems we must have some kind of faulty belief? What are we missing with all this fatigue and stress, Just waiting for New Years to get some real rest? Pondering this, they couldn’t help shedding a tear Silently wishing more magic were here. Hiding perhaps the deepest of fears: What if all this stuff Is nothing but fluff? Both contemplated their choices, starring into the night Seeking respite from this moment of f...

Psychologist Albany NY

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The Mind Makes War & We Suffer

A war is raging on. It is raging both in our minds and in our lives. Few can move through the day without engaging in the war, whether they want it or not. This is not a war of guns and ammo. This is a war against happiness and peace of mind. Please note: this article is not a commentary on what is right or wrong, but rather an effort to point out how we do ‘war’ and the effects that this is going to have on future generations. When we explore how we create anxiety, angst, and anger (i.e., war) with our minds, we can begin to see that there are ways out of this personal ‘hell’ we create for ourselves. In these articles, I will address both the psychological/personal strategies that bring relief, as well as technologies, like Neurofeedback, that can transform and heal the brain in more enduring ways. Often, both self-effort at change combined with wise usage of Neurofeedback brings the optimal results. How We Make War. 1. We Judge Ourselves and War Rages Within. The most prolifi...

Puny or Powerful?

  When we wake up in the morning, here’s what happens to most of us.  Residual thought from the day before, whether it be more positive or negative, quickly comes to mind.  With that and all the familiarity from yesterday’s events, the mind is quickly back on track to continue the course from the day before.    In other words, there is momentum from our repeated thinking (and the beliefs that underlie those thoughts) which is simply a fact of life.  It is inevitable.   Momentum is like gravity.  It’s always there, and either it can serve us…or squash us.  There Is a Moment, However… If we are paying close attention, when we awaken there is a moment, albeit often brief, where we are free of yesterday’s momentum of thought.   If we had an awesome day, it’s a wonderful experience to allow that moment to be filled with yesterday’s positive momentum, to then carry us forward into the day with hope and inspiration.  If it was a lousy...