
Showing posts from January, 2023

How To Eliminate Procrastination

Among the struggles many adults and children deal with, procrastination is often among the top sources of frustration. And understandably so for most. It is the cause of stress, poor performance, lost sleep and thwarted life satisfaction. For many, this can change with a bit of adjustment in self-management. For some, the role of brain dysregulation is overwhelming, and other tools are needed, such as Neurofeedback and Heart Rate Variability training to reduce the activation levels in the brain. This is not true for most, however. Why and How We Procrastinate? Before we can un-procrastinate, we might notice why and how we procrastinate so easily and naturally. In a nutshell, procrastination is ALL about what is most compelling to choose at the moment. That is the moment that is right in front of me. So if there is a project, a homework assignment, or even a phone call, we can imagine sitting at that moment. Next is a brief pause, perhaps, with a rapid appraisal of what to do next...