
The Data Is Conclusive: It’s Time to Step Up

  In the past, many authors, including myself, have written several articles about the emerging issues with children and adolescents growing up with smartphones in their hands.  As time moves on, research is becoming more and more conclusive.   Children and adolescents are the most anxious, stressed-out, fearful, insecure, unfocused, and depressed generation on record.  Yet, they live in a world with more entertainment, knowledge, and access to resources than any generation before them.  We must start to take note of some root causes.   One Clear Problem:  Smart Phones and Unrestricted Access to The Good, Bad & Ugly The emergence of the ever-connected smartphone has sprung upon us, with little preparation for managing the phone and the consequences of poor management. Growing concerns about the influence of social media, access to inappropriate content, and the nature of unmonitored and unrestricted text conversations have many parents wo...

4 Ways To Manage Panic Attacks Better

  Watch our latest video here:

Why Neurofeedback Is Effective with So Many Psychological Disorders!

Clients often wonder how Neurofeedback works and why it works with various disorders. Whether anxiety, sleep disorders, OCD, depression, ADD/ADHD, foggy brain or even peak performance issues, Neurofeedback has proven validity. In this video, Dr. Randy Cale offers an easy-to-follow explanation of why Neurofeedback works with many psychological disorders. Learn more at Why neurofeedback works so well with anxiety disorders, panic, OCD? I'm Dr. Randy Cale with Capital District Neurofeedback. We often see clients who've tried medications, they've been in therapy, they've tried all sorts of things out of the box, in the box, and nothing seems to work. And so they come to us looking for a solution. When we conduct an evaluation of their brain using something called acute EEG or quantitative EEG. We get to see what their brain looks like. And there are one of two consistent patterns that we see. Both involve dysregulation that is correctabl...

Keep It Simple This Holiday Season

The busy Holiday week is upon us, and we pass each other in a flurry of movement from one task to another.  In our minds, the business of thinking of everything on the to-do list can be overwhelming.  Yet, there is one simple thing we could do each day that would transform how we experience the Holiday Season.  The Power of Intentions There are countless variations of input throughout the day.  It would be impossible to predict everything that can happen to you, what people will do or say, or even what events can get in the way of your plans.  We all get this. Yet, research clearly suggests that one simple strategy can offset many of life’s challenges: Intention. An intention is simple and contains no complexities.  However, the power of this simple strategy rests in taking the intention seriously.  A firm, robust intention can set your choice…regardless of what life sends your way. To ensure an intention has strength, you must devote a bit of time to ...

Dispelling Antidepressant Myths

  By Licensed Psychologist Dr Randy Cale Dispelling the myths about antidepressants. There were two meta -analytic studies, these are huge studies that looked at the impact of antidepressants about 10 years ago and another one about eight years ago. Both of these studies found the same thing and it was essentially this. Antidepressants work fairly well when we compare it to a sugar pill, a placebo that has no effect, but compare it to a live placebo, a drug that makes the person think they've got the real McCoy, so to speak, we see that antidepressants make a difference for about six, maybe 8 % of the population. And these are the folks who are severely, severely depressed, often comatose depressed. So that data has been out there for quite a while. Also then in March of 2022, a really seminal study came out in Science Magazine, which looked at over 300 studies which tried to prove the serotonin deficiency theory behind antidepressants correct. Most of these studies were conduct...

How To Get Control Of Your Life

  How To Get Control Of Your Life How to get control of your life. Many folks come to our clinic asking questions about how to gain control of their emotions or their habit patterns, their sense of anxiety or depression that’s going on in their body or in their brain. And I’m gonna give you one strategy for that. If you can imagine in life we have this sphere of task, of things that we actually can control in your life right now, what can you control, right? And then typically, surrounding that is a sphere of things that we have some influence over. But our influence, and Stephen Covey talked about this 27 years ago, our influence rarely expands much greater than our circle of control. And so folks who have poor habits, who can’t manage their thoughts, who can’t manage their emotions, their sleep, substances, Their sphere of control was very small and very likely their ability to influence others then is very, very limited, right? Be...

The Art of Holding Our Opinions Lightly…

“Once upon a time there was a wise Chinese farmer whose horse ran away. That evening, all of his neighbors came around to commiserate. They said, “We are so sorry to hear your horse has run away. This is most unfortunate.” The farmer said, “ Maybe .”  The next day the horse came back bringing seven wild horses with it, and in the evening everybody came back and said, “Oh, isn’t that lucky. What a great turn of events. You now have eight horses!” The farmer again said, “ Maybe .” The following day his son tried to break one of the horses, and while riding it, he was thrown and broke his leg. The neighbors then said, “Oh dear, that’s too bad,” and the farmer responded, “ Maybe .”  The next day the army’s officers came around to enlist people into the army as war was upon them, and they rejected his son because he had a broken leg. Again all the neighbors came around and said, “Isn’t that great!” Again, he said, “ Maybe .”  (Alan Watts) Why ‘Maybe’ is the More Easeful and Ac...